Let Me Help You Shop for Info

Snaque Shaque O-Kyaku-sama, taihen o-tskaresama deshita!

Friday, October 27, 2006


Problems at precincts can be various and numerous.
Make sure YOUR vote counts!
Demand to vote on paper ballots.
Avert failure and frustration by voting early.

Early voting date: https://electionimp act.votenet. com/pfawf/ electiondates/ index.cfm

Voting information: https://electionimp act.votenet. com/pfawf/ pollboothlocator /index.cfm

Early voting by state: http://www.election line.org/ Default.aspx? tabid=474

National voter assistance: http://www.pfaw. org/pfaw/ general/default. aspx?oid= 22883
Get help for problems when voting: http://protectmyvote.rescueourdemocracy.org

Donate for a voter-subsidized exit poll: http://electiondefe nsealliance. org/independent_ exit_polls

Demand a backup plan for voting machine malfunction: http://action. truemajority. org/campaign/ electionprotection

suggested queries for this post - verified voting