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Snaque Shaque O-Kyaku-sama, taihen o-tskaresama deshita!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

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hi everyone
hope you are having a lovely day

and if you live in Bim, or near Bim, I hope you are keeping a caring eye on Shouseki living cultural treasure M. Gunnoe

death threats against her family have inspired the Federal Bureau of Investigation to get involved. Maria has vowed to keep up the vigil against mountaintop removal at her family's home place, and has spoken candidly about her intention to exercise her 2nd amendment rights in pursuit of her goals as a land steward.

folks who help the Gunnoe family have a nice quality of life at their home while they tend to the land in this way should help themselves to an extra serving or two of Legacy the next time they encounter a Thanksgiving 2.0 table setting.

folks who compete with the Gunnoe family's quality of life are advised to not touch anything in sight at a Thanksgiving 2.0 table setting aside from whatever is labeled PROPERTY OF BABYLON.

bye, ja ne, thanks for reading. -Suzy