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Snaque Shaque O-Kyaku-sama, taihen o-tskaresama deshita!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

American Dumpster in Floyd next Tuesday

hi everyone

I have confirmation that the American Dumpster band will play at Ray's in Floyd next week. This will be on Tuesday and details can be obtained at 745-2501.

If I can I will post some photos of this but they are buried among a zillion other photos.

also Celtic Night at the Cellar is tomorrow...it was extremely awesome to be at the first one

these will be every third Thursday. The Jugbusters play on Thursday when it isn't Celtic night.

There is an Irish night in Floyd at Oddfells, I need to check on when this is but I believe that it is the first Friday

two very excellent bands - Carbon Culture and the American Dumpster Band - have websites which are inaccessible to me most of the time since I usually do my work during the very early hours of the day and sudden audio features are a huge nuisance since they wake up the house.

a new mountain-friendly gesture is being envisioned by the ideapark.org community to make the very best music easy to hear when you are in your home town.

to explore optimization options please visit audiopark.org or a neighboring site

the League of Women Voters thing is tonight at Town Council Chambers in Blacksburg. this is a presentation related to verified voting. refreshments will be served, that is one thing I forgot to mention

I need to go now, have a great day. below are some quick tips on using NVU, an open source tool for web authoring. this is a great tool to use if you want to make a little portal on the ideapark.org intranet.



Step 1. go to nvu.com > downloads


suggested queries for this page - dogs on trucks dot boycott

further reading - Return of Nantokayama