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Snaque Shaque O-Kyaku-sama, taihen o-tskaresama deshita!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

HOT tags! Brand new RED HOT TAGS!

Youch! this one just came off the branding iron: Lost Liberty Hotel

look for this one to scale the wall at Technorati pretty soon, as it's related to some pretty big topics in the Yesterday's Media department.


June 29, 2005--

The Lost Liberty Hotel just announced an alternative media initiative in response to the Supreme Court's recent ruling on Eminent Domain. Their press release can be viewed at



I am pinging my brain just as loudly as I can to recall the location of a very interesting page I found recently. but the only thing that comes to mind is the fact that I need to clean out my volkswagen because bees are probably nesting in there and that is not cool.

so. I must say adieu for now, thank you so much for reading. wish me luck with the bees.

As always,

tags: rat bad posture, aggregation, the Great Big Book of Rati and Nuti, strange poetry, bad rats, permaculture, design your paradise.